Published September 26, 2021 17:05

”The COVID-19 pandemic changed how we view our surroundings. Microbes can be spread just because people touched the same object. The company Nanoksi Finland has developed an innovative sprayable solution which uses photocatalysis – where light increases a chemical process – which can kill 98% of microbes within two hours.
“The technology is very versatile,” explains Nanoksi Finland CEO Pasi Keinänen. “We have used it on glass, screens, plastic, wood, metal, ceramic and textiles, for example.”
The invention was impressive enough to beat 106 other entries in the Aviation X Lab Accelerate Traveller Wellbeing Challenge, which was awarded by Dubai Future Foundation and Emirates Airlines.
Tested by Emirates
Emirates tested the solution in different areas, such as first-class limousines, baby strollers and biometric boarding gates. The results were impressive: for example, the ATP measurement of organic dirt on transit busses fell from 2,113 pre-coating to 51 a month after. Emirates is beginning to use Nanoksi’s solution in their limousines, busses and lounges at Dubai International Airport. However, the solution has already been widely deployed in other countries.”
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