The Ronald McDonald House provides a cozy and safe environment for family members of children with serious illnesses. The house is very close to the New Children’s Hospital, where the little patients stay for treatment. Clean surfaces in the house are pivotal.
Nanoksi’s Fotonit® coating guarantees safe surfaces in between cleanings and supports the work of those in charge of cleaning and hygiene. Taking care of hygiene becomes easier after the coating has been applied, and no strong chemicals are needed. Anti-microbial Fotonit® coating protects and keeps the patients safe by keeping the rest of the family safe – as an important part of the health security and overall surface hygiene inside the house.
“All our spaces have been treated with Nanoksi Finland’s self-disinfecting Fotonit® coating to make them even safer. The special coating assures high hygiene level even in between cleanings. For us the health and safety of our families and little patients are close at our heart. We are profoundly touched by this project. It’s wonderful to see what new innovations make possible. This coating activates in normal room light, and prevents the transmission of potential pathogens from surfaces.”
We protect surfaces and people.
Read more about us and get in touch with our team: Nanoksi – We protect surfaces
Read more about the global RMHC: Ronald McDonald House Charities | RMHC