Back to the office

Costs arising due to employee illness are a major expense for companies. Absences, inability to work, and work not completed total billions in costs every year. Reducing instances of sick leave can save your company considerable amounts. 

The pandemic has taught us to anticipate the future. Nowadays, we are paying more attention to safety in the workplace, and this is something we can increase with effective nanocoating solutions. These form an important element of overall safety. The FOTONIT® coating protects your employees from infectious diseases, even in normal conditions.

FOTONIT® coating protects the health of your staff

Through effective hygiene, we can reduce instances of staff and customer illness and prevent epidemics. FOTONIT® coating is effective in protecting against infectious diseases such as seasonal influenza and noroviruses, thereby significantly reducing instances of employee sick leave. We make facilities safer using Finnish know-how and nanotechnology. Our solution disinfects premises around the clock, destroying viruses, bacteria and pathogens left on surfaces. 

Unlike with traditional disinfectants, bacteria and viruses cannot develop resistance to photocatalysis. The reaction the technology is based on uses combustion, which resistance cannot be developed to.

Ensuring a safe return to the office

Effective safety measures can help protect against the likes of noroviruses and other infectious diseases spread through surface contact, from people returning from holiday to those in their workplace, school or daycare centre. Our solution helps increase safety levels in such facilities, as well as helping users avoid recurring annual norovirus epidemics and other diseases spread through surface contact. The FOTONIT® coating reduces health risks and boosts the employer’s image: staff feel that their wellbeing and safety are being looked out for. The decrease in illnesses also increases the productivity of staff. If we can boost health in our working environment and save on costs, why would we not do so? 

Using chemical-free treatments to enact positive change 

Traditional surface disinfection measures require constant reapplication and litres of cleaning agents. Not only that, but use of powerful disinfectants increases the already-considerable chemical load and strain placed on both our health and the environment. We can decrease the amounts of chemicals we use by opting for advanced technology and nanocoating solutions instead of intensive cleaning. 

Responsibility is key in our work. We improve hygiene levels in premises considerably, using sustainable and ecologically friendly methods. Nanocoating solutions offer a chemical-free and long-lasting solution with which we can significantly increase the safety of premises.

Nanocoating solutions also increase a property’s lifecycle and make it easier to keep the premises clean. Our service has been awarded the Key Flag symbol in recognition of its Finnish origins.

FOTONIT® stickers are placed around the facilities as a sign that they are safe and hygienic and that the employer takes its responsibility seriously.

Let us protect your surfaces.