Putting health and safety first in travel

Every day we travel in vehicles in which the surfaces have been touched by countless of hands before ours. Public transportation is filled with microbes – and this will never change but there are ways to make them less.

International award winning nanocoating innovation ensures we can move about safely

Both passengers and staff touch lots of surfaces in an airport every day, from the trays at the security checks to handrails and counters. Surfaces that thousands of hands have touched before theirs, passing on harmful and sometimes even harmful microbes.

Earlier in 2021, we participated in the international Aviation X Lab competition, beating more than 100 competitive innovations, to come first. The objective of the competition was to find innovative and customer-focused ideas that could help improve health and safety measures in the aviation sector, as well as restoring trust in travel during and after the pandemic. The competition was implemented in cooperation with AREA 2071.

The efficiency, longevity and diversity of the Finnish technology set the innovation apart from competitors. The FOTONIT® coating ensures that travel can be made safer. Our nanocoating solution improves health and safety measures in not only the aviation sector, but also a range of other sectors, therefore having a significant impact on the entirety of society.

In making their decision, the competition jury paid particular attention to the potential the Fotonit coating has to increase safety in almost any sector. Victory in this global competition is a major recognition of Nanoksi’s work, as well as a natural step on our company’s internationalisation journey. As well as Finland, we also operate in countries such as the UK, Sweden, Estonia, France, Ukraine, and Portugal.

Success in this competition will open doors to new areas for Finnish innovation. As a result of this, we also took our solution to the UAE, where we carried out extensive coating treatments at Dubai International Airport, which is the third busiest airport in the world. We were delighted to be offered this opportunity to work with Emirates Airlines and Dubai International Airport, helping to create a safer way to travel.

You can find out more about the coatings used at Dubai International Airport here.

Tampere Tram and Turku city traffic company Turun Kaupunkiliikenne Oy have also opted to protect their passengers with our solution.

We protect surfaces for a safer journey.