Sustainable Development Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

The most significant cause of climate change, the most prominent global challenge of our time, is the greenhouse effect. Some gases in the Earth’s atmosphere act like the glass of a greenhouse: they prevent the sun’s heat radiation from entering back into space and cause global warming. Many of these greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere, but human activity increases the amount of some of them. In particular, the amount of the following gases has increased: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorine gases. (The European Commission)

We live surrounded by various chemicals. They test the planet’s carrying capacity throughout their lifetime. Chemicals often have harmful effects on the environment, including carbon dioxide emissions. The accumulation of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is the most significant factor in recent climate change.

Chemicals are produced and released into nature in abundance, which is starting to pose a danger to humanity and the Earth. The average person is exposed to thousands of different chemicals every day. This chemical load has a direct relationship with the environment, global warming, and human health. It can affect, among other things, the immune system, respiratory system, and hormone function, or weaken people’s immunity and vaccine response, and increase the susceptibility to illness.

Consumers and companies affect the chemical load in the environment with their own choices. It is clear that its impact on the Earth will only be seen years later. Therefore, it is essential to care about the chemical load.

Hygiene cannot be maintained with the help of toxic chemicals: More durable and safer solutions must be developed and implemented. Nanoksi is working towards a chemical-free future. With the reduction of chemicals, global warming can be slowed down, and disturbances in the ecosystem can be reduced.

Fotonit® is a high-tech hygiene solution that protects our health sustainably and safely. It does not contain harmful chemicals but, on the contrary, helps to reduce their use. In this way, we can produce a carbon handprint for our customers, and the customer can reduce the carbon footprint of their operations. The light does the work for us – environmentally friendly and safely.

We comply with all regulations according to chemical legislation. Photocatalytic Fotonit® coating (FOTONIT® N100AGX) produced by Plasmonics Oy based on titanium dioxide (TiO2) is in accordance with the European Union’s REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 and its requirements (REACH Compliance) according to a third-party assessment.

Uncertainties and crises, such as climate change and its effects, the degradation of ecosystems, and the impoverishment of biodiversity, need to be accompanied by positive changes and development towards a more sustainable and safer future. Such technological developments and innovations that solve real problems are required.

Nanoksi works actively to solve these more significant issues that affect the entire society and the planet. We can influence our common future by setting ambitious sustainable development goals for our operations.